What Happens When You Start Treatment For COVID-19

What Happens When You Start Treatment For COVID-19

Although many have already been vaccinated, others may still be at risk of contracting COVID-19. Those who fall ill experience symptoms such as being unable to taste or smell anything, potentially affecting their appetite. Despite the problems that have arisen in the last two years because of the pandemic, modern medicine has developed solutions to aid in the recovery of those with mild to severe symptoms. 

However, it can be difficult to understand certain medical terms to the extent that they may leave you wondering as to how long antibiotics stay in your system. For patients, their state can leave them unable to comprehend the treatments that are being administered to them. If you happen to be ill with COVID-19 with symptoms that require you to undergo treatments, here is what you should expect: 

1. Many Needles

The treatments are administered intravenously, whether through a drip or a shot. For instance, if you are being treated using Remdesivir, it will enter your blood through an IV drip. Unfortunately, there is a risk of blood clotting, so you have to be injected with an anti-clotting solution. This will occur once a day, for every single day that you are treated with Remdesivir. 

You might also be injected, and your blood will be drawn many times, for other reasons, depending on the symptoms you exhibit. But, throughout the treatment, you will be connected to an IV drip to aid in administering your medicine. You have to be careful in ensuring that the bag is elevated, especially when you go to the bathroom. When blood starts to enter the tubes that facilities the IV drip, you will have to get help from a nurse to get rid of the blood because it can block the medicine from entering your body. 

When the needle for the IV drip starts to hurt, you have to call the immediate attention of a nurse. It may not have been inserted correctly. You have to make sure that it was inserted properly so that the medicine can enter your body and that it was not dislodged while you were moving around. 

2. You Will Feel Hungrier

As you recover from COVID-19, your treatment might make you feel hungrier. This is a good indication of your immune system beginning to overcome the effects of the virus. You should make sure that your body gets enough nutrients to help strengthen your immune system. Accommodate the needs of your body by eating whenever you feel hungry. However, this might lead to weight gain. It would be advisable to start eating small, yet frequent meals to help you in your recovery.

Once the IV drip is removed, you might experience moments of hunger because you will no longer be reliant on the nutrients provided through the IV drip. Again, you should accommodate your hunger by eating frequently. The disadvantage of this aspect of your recovery would be an increase in your spending on food. If you are preparing an emergency fund for COVID-19, you should include food and medication as part of the budget since it will play a major role in your recovery. 

Another reason for feeling hungry as you recover is because of the corticosteroids that are prescribed to you. These trigger a feeling of hunger that you should also accommodate. Unfortunately, this might lead to bloating. 

3. Body Ache

You will experience significant body aches as you recover. This might be a result of the aforementioned bloating. Snacking on food with high-sodium content can lead to bloating. Avoid eating meals with high-sodium content to minimize your bloating. Keep your feet elevated to prevent further complications that may arise from this symptom. Do not be afraid to drink water because your body needs water to overcome the virus and perform its daily functions. Eventually, you will feel better in a few days or about a week or so as the swelling goes down. 

A counterintuitive way to minimize body ache is by performing exercises. These routines do not have to contain large movements- the important thing is to keep your body moving. Some light yoga can help mitigate the pain you might experience. 

Contracting COVID-19 is frightening because of the uncertainties that arise with the novel virus. But, as more experiences are recorded, it will soon become a pandemic that humans will look back on to mark their resiliency. It is important to be aware of past personal experiences with COVID-19 to help those who may fall ill before the world gains immunity.