If you were to believe and follow everything nutritionists say about food, you’d end up a little confused. Of course, they all agree that water is healthy, right? Even though there are controversies surrounding diets, particularly on the debate about which foods are right and which ones aren’t, nutritionists agree on some foods. Most of these foods have been christened superfoods because they nourish the body with many nutrients.
So, if you’re the type who wouldn’t want to go far off the mark on matters healthy eating, the below list is for you. On the list, you find some of the foods that almost every diet includes. But even if you don’t find them on a diet, you’d find no negative mention about them.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries is one food that no nutritionist touches on a negative note. This is understandable because of their high nutritional value. They’re rich in about 15 phytonutrients, all of which are antioxidants working to protect your organs. They’re good for the health of your cells, tissues, and muscles, in addition to their benefits to your cardiovascular system and the brain. That’s not the end of it. Blueberries have magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and more. They’re also rich in carbs and fibre, making them good for your metabolism and weight control. Not only are blueberries, therefore, important for maintaining good health, but are also vital for the prevention of diseases, including lowering cancer risk.
2. Avocado
If you were to put down all the benefits of avocado, this piece wouldn’t suffice. It has many nutrients, notable among them are potassium, folate, and vitamins B5, K, C, and B6. It also has zinc, manganese, copper, phosphorous, among other vitamins, although in smaller quantities. Even though bananas have a name for their potassium content, avocado beats them in this area, with the advantage that avocados don’t have as much sugar as bananas. Avocados protect cell membranes, making body cells to function better.
3. Beans
Most diets have beans, and it’s for a good reason. Beans are one of the superfoods, it’s a nutrition powerhouse. They’re one of the leading sources of plant protein. Beans are rich in fibre and help cut down on cholesterol and sugar in the body. In fact, most health experts agree that all types of beans are nutritionally good and contain sizable amounts of zinc, magnesium, iron, and zinc. It’s because of the safe nutritional balance that makes them also a good recommendation for people suffering from conditions such as diabetes.
4. Garlic
You may not be a garlic fun because of its bad taste in the mouth, but you might want to consider trading the taste for what it offers to your body. It contains phytochemicals and allicin, the substance that makes it a medicinal plant. It helps the body fight viruses and bad bacteria. It’s high in minerals, low in calories, and a good ingredient for lowering cholesterol. For maximum benefits, eat it fresh, crushed, and not cooked for more than 10 minutes.
5. Lemon
The nutritional value of lemon is indubitable. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals, thus an immune system booster and a good agent for a healthy metabolism. Lemons are good for your skin and hair. Its rich vitamin C content makes it a good guard against free radicals that attack your skin. It’s this property that also makes lemons a good protector from some types of cancer. Lemon lowers inflammation risk and boosts good cholesterol in the body.
6. Leafy Greens
The dark, leafy greens such as spinach and kale are known for their high nutritional value and low-calorie content. These leafy greens are rich in vitamins, potassium, folate, magnesium, lutein, and calcium. They’re strong antioxidants and are rich in fibre, making them good for your cardiovascular health and a protector against cancer. Kale, for example, is a good detox and is also known to lower cholesterol.
7. Sprouts
You shouldn’t be surprised that sprouts have found their way onto this list. Nutritionists agree that these plants are rich in nutrients, approximated to between 10 and 14 times more than what their full-grown plants offer. They’re dense in a type of biochemical that helps in nurturing anti-cancer enzymes in your body. Some of the plants whose sprouts have major benefits are broccoli, radish, clover, mung, and pea.
8. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds aren’t readily available for everyone, but to those who can get them, they’re a treasure to have at your dinner table. They’re rich in omega-3 and antioxidants. Chia seeds are vital for your digestive system because of their high fibre content, being 40% fibre. Chia seeds are also known to help in maintaining good bone health because of their rich calcium and magnesium content.
9. Wild Salmon
Nutritionists respect wild salmon because of its richness in omega-3 fatty acids, yet it has only a small amount of toxins like PCB. Its omega-3 content is a booster for good cholesterol, making it good for your cardiovascular system in general. Because of its nutritional value, wild salmon lowers your risk of depression, cancer, and skin condition. It helps improve your cognitive skills. They’ve got reasonable amounts of amino acids and vitamin Bs.
10. Quinoa
Another good source of plant protein is quinoa. Experts will tell you that it’s a whole protein. In addition to its high nutritional value, it also contains all the amino acids. While some healthy foods don’t have good taste, quinoa doesn’t fall in that category. It has quite a good taste that makes it a favourite for many people. Its nutritional content includes riboflavin, fibre, manganese, vitamin Bs and magnesium. Some dietitians recommend replacing rice with quinoa in your meals.